I've been meaning to start a blog about motherhood. What it's like to be a mom. Why has it taken me over 19 months to start writing? I had every intention of blogging about every new milestone our son, Braden had reached. Clearly I missed a few! Like the first time Braden smiled, laughed out load, rolled over, traveled on a plane, cut a tooth, got his first ear infection, first diaper rash, sat up, ate solids for the first time, drank from a straw, swam, crawled, cruised, took his first step, called me mama, signed a word, finger-painted, got his first haircut, scraped his knee, tossed a ball, and so much more?
So what have I been doing these last 19 months? Why has it taken me 592 days to publish my first blog? Good question! Motherhood. I never could have imagined it to be this good.
The funny thing is, Brooke and I laugh at most of the milestones and say, "Oh this one is definitely for the baby book!" Too bad we don't have a baby book. Will Braden hate us one day because we didn't log all these important milestones in a baby book? I'm sure he'll hate us for many other reasons, but I doubt not keeping a baby book will be one of them. At least he'll know we can't drag out the baby book to embarrass him when he brings home his significant other.
Ironically, I can, for the most part anyway, tell you when all those things happened. Or roughly. Is this because I'm a mom?
For example, I know I noticed Braden cut his first two bottom teeth after we got home from a trip back east. Which also happened to be his first plane trip and sadly, the first of many ear infections. This was in March of 2009.
Braden's first real belly laugh was for his Grandpa while visiting The Getty Villa. We were lucky enough to catch it on film, which makes me laugh each time I look at the photo.
I can also tell you that he ate his first solids on Mother's Day weekend in Palm Springs. That his love of food and
phenomenal appetite started that very weekend.
His first sign was "airplane" and he started signing at 11 months.
Braden also took his first solo steps just before his 1st birthday. Not with me. Not even for Brooke. Rather, he stepped out to his Nonna. Four steps to be exact.
His first official hair cut was April 1, 2010. We did save the locks of curls that got cut off. We waited so long to cut those curls.
Braden first swam in a pool in Orlando, Florida and drank from a straw at 6 months.
He spoke Mama at 9 months and crawled at 10 months. He started cruising early at 7 months.
These are the memories that aren't logged in a scrapbook, but will forever be logged in my mind.
Motherhood. Motherhood suits me. I'm good at it. It makes me happy. I'm a far better mother than I am a wife, a daughter, a sister or friend.
I am blessed. I have always been blessed. Each day, I take the time to be grateful for the day I spent with my son. Each night as I put him to bed, we recap our highlights for the day. Mine are simple. "I am grateful for your presence in my life. Thank you for choosing me! I am so very proud of you and proud to be your mom. My highlight of today was..." Generally, it's simply spending time with Braden. Reading a book, cooking a meal, taking a walk or playing at the playground. These first 592 days have been about a lot of growth and change. Not only for Braden, but for both Brooke and I. We not only teach Braden, but we learn from him.
What do I give Braden as a mother? Patience, consistency and unconditional love. Perhaps he'd say more??? If I can, each day, give him at least those three things, then I have done my job well! Some days are better than others, of course. I dare not sit here and say that I am perfect, because I know I'm not.
What do I hope to do with my blog? I'm not sure anymore. I had intended to simply document, but we all know that documentation is not my thing. Rather, I want to live in the moment and be present. I want to watch my son grow, to teach him, and learn from him. To soak in every moment I have with him, because just as these last 592 days have passed too quickly, I know that the next 592 we pass just as quickly.
I didn't get here alone, that's for sure. If it weren't for the amazing support of my husband, Brooke, our friends and family, both near and far, I wouldn't be the best mom I could be. I am grateful for my best friend, Gina, my mom's group and my own mom! You are all my inspirations. Thank you for the endless phone calls, the constant support, the example you give and friendships I have with you!
I want to share my experience of motherhood with other moms. It's good. It's all good. Each and every day is a good day. Even in the midst of chaos, sleepless nights, dirty dishes, unmade beds, and tasks that never seem to get done. It's a blessing!
Perhaps this blog will not only provide some knowledge of motherhood from one mom's perspective, but also provide other moms with information they may find useful, if not at least inspiring and fun. Whether you learn about which parenting books I enjoyed reading, or what are the best activities to do, or where's the best park in the area, or what's the best swaddle, noise machine, diaper cream or
sippy cup. Perhaps I can share, I sure do hope to learn...
So, let's see where we go from here!