Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Today's post is dedicated not to Motherhood, rather to Fatherhood!

I want to start off by wishing all the amazing Dads out there a wonderful and Happy Father's Day!  More often than not, Dad's aren't given the credit they deserve.  Today is for you!

I also want to say that I miss my own Dad, more than ever today!  I wish nothing more than to have had him have the opportunity to be a Nonno to my son!  Although they never met in this lifetime, I am convinced they met in another place and that my son was hand picked for me from my Dad.  I see, in my son, many of my Dad's traits and I know he would be proud.  Papi, we miss you every day!

To my husband, Brooke, you were born to be a Dad.  You give Braden unconditional love, support, respect, adventure and laughter.  You are a wonderful role model. Because of you, Braden has a love of reading, a gift of humor, a quality of gentleness, a sense of wonder, an appetite for knowledge, a desire for exploration, a side of playfulness, and so much more.

Your desire to be the best Dad you can be is admirable.  You give so much and want so little.

You give him space to grow and teach him about life's lessons.

You encourage him when he is frustrated and help him try again.

You expect him to be respectful and show him how to compromise.

You help him make good choices and teach him about consequences.
You tell him you are proud of him and show him that you can be trusted.

When Braden looks at you, his eyes beam with love.  He admires, respects, and loves you.

These are the joys you get from being a father.  These are the gifts you give for being a dad.

With everything you do, you are teaching Braden to be good man, husband, father and friend.

I am blessed to share in this journey of parenthood with you.  Just as Braden, I learn from you, I admire you, I respect you and love you. 

Happy Father's Day!

We love you!


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